Workshops for the Whole Team


These workshops are particularly powerful for teams from the same organization who want to tackle an organizational design challenge.

Designed for 6-30 participants. If you are looking for larger groups, it’s an additional $400 per person.


New Learners of Innovation and Design
1 Day Workshop

This hands-on group workshop provides an introduction to Human-Centered Design and how it applies to innovation. Get exposed to the basics of the methodology through one case study and small design challenge. 


New Learners of Innovation and Design
2 Day Workshop

Add a second day to our 1-Day New Learner Workshop and have the chance to dig deep in smaller group conversation. We'll cover additional case studies to send you back into the world with context and confidence.

Assess your Design Competency
1 Day Workshop

For experienced practitioners of design and innovation, this workshop layers in cognitive and behavioral science behind Human-Centered Design. We use our proprietary Design Competency Model to determine where you stand and what could help build your skills.

Build an Innovation Microclimate
1 Day Workshop

For experienced practitioners of design and innovation, develop a deep understanding of what a Microclimate for Innovation is and how to build one within your organization.

Assess your Design Competency + Build an Innovation Microclimate
2 Day Workshop

Our Design Competency Model and Innovation Microclimate Tools were designed to fuel the richest conversations when paired together. On the first day, we'll assess your group's design competency. We then use your assessment in Day Two to together shape an Innovation Microclimate. Pairing both tools ensures that the Innovation Microclimate matches your team's current standing and is set up to evolve as your team's skills grow over time.

Workshops for the Individual


Workshops are ideal for any professional trying to solve complex problems using creativity and innovation. These immersive workshops provide a combination of design and innovation mindsets and approaches with clear examples and storytelling. 


Individual Learner Workshop

Learn and practice new mindsets and approaches and take away “how to” instructions from the day to reinforce learnings. 


Field Trips
